Flight Dispatch

Our comprehensive dispatch services are designed to ensure a seamless and efficient flight experience.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of what we offer:

1. Flight Planning

We meticulously plan every aspect of your flight, including the optimal route, fuel requirements, and any alternate airports. Our goal is to ensure safety, efficiency, and compliance with all regulatory requirements.

2. Flight Watch

Throughout the duration of your flight, we continuously monitor its progress. This allows us to provide real-time updates and support, ensuring that any potential issues are addressed promptly.

3. Weather Briefing

We provide detailed weather briefings that include current and forecasted weather conditions along your route and at your destination. This information is crucial for making informed decisions and ensuring the safety of your flight.

4. Current NOTAMs

We keep you updated with the latest Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs), which include important information about airspace restrictions, airport conditions, and other critical factors that may affect your flight.

5. Assistance with ATC Flight Plan Filing

We assist your crew in filing the Air Traffic Control (ATC) flight plan in accordance with local regulations and requirements. This ensures that your flight is properly coordinated with air traffic control and that all necessary permissions are in place.

Flight Supervision

Our professional supervisor will meet and assist your aircraft, crew, and passengers on arrival and departure. We ensure the safety and security of passengers, crew, and aircraft according to the best industry practices. Here’s how we do it:

1. Personalized Greeting and Coordination

Arrival: Upon your aircraft’s arrival, our supervisor will be present to greet and assist the crew and passengers. They will coordinate with ground handling teams to ensure a smooth transition from the aircraft to the terminal or any onward transportation.

Departure: For departures, our supervisor will oversee the entire process, ensuring that all pre-flight preparations are completed efficiently. They will assist with boarding procedures, ensuring that passengers and crew are comfortably and promptly settled.

2. Efficient Ground Handling

Our supervisor manages all ground handling activities, including refueling, baggage handling, catering, and aircraft cleaning. By coordinating these services, we minimize turnaround time and ensure that your aircraft is ready for its next flight without unnecessary delays.

3. Passenger Assistance

We provide personalized assistance to passengers, helping with luggage, transportation arrangements, and any special requests. Whether it’s arranging ground transportation, hotel accommodations, or offering guidance through customs and immigration, we ensure that passengers have a hassle-free experience.

4. Crew Support

Our supervisor offers comprehensive support to the crew, including facilitating crew changes, arranging rest facilities, and ensuring that all pre-flight and post-flight requirements are met. We understand the importance of crew well-being and efficiency, and we strive to provide the necessary support to keep them focused and prepared.

5. Safety and Security

Safety and security are our top priorities. Our supervisor ensures that all security protocols are strictly followed, including access control to the aircraft, monitoring of baggage handling, and coordination with airport security services. We adhere to the best industry practices to mitigate any risks and ensure a secure environment for passengers, crew, and the aircraft.

By adhering to these best practices, we aim to provide a seamless and secure experience for all involved, ensuring that every flight operation is executed with the highest level of professionalism and care.

Flight Permits

The ATTS team of aviation experts plays a crucial role in facilitating seamless flight operations for both scheduled and non-scheduled operators. They coordinate extensively with various regulatory and governmental authorities to obtain the necessary clearances, permits, and slots in a timely manner, ensuring compliance with all applicable regulations and protocols.

Key Authorities Involved

1. Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA)

– The DGCA is the primary regulatory body responsible for overseeing civil aviation operations in India. The ATTS team coordinates with the DGCA to ensure that all flights comply with safety standards, airworthiness requirements, and operational regulations.

– The DGCA is responsible for issuing overflight and landing permits, ensuring that all safety protocols and regulatory requirements are met.

2. Ministry of Defense (MoD)

– The Ministry of Defense plays a vital role in providing security clearances for flights, particularly those that may fly over or near sensitive areas crucial for national security.

– The ATTS team works closely with the MoD to obtain approvals for flights that traverse restricted airspaces or involve special circumstances, such as military airbases or strategic locations.

3. Airports Authority of India (AAI)

– The AAI manages airports and air traffic services across India, ensuring efficient airport operations and air traffic management.

– The ATTS team coordinates with the AAI to secure landing and takeoff slots, as well as to arrange ground handling services, including refueling, maintenance, and passenger handling.

4. Other Government Authorities

– Depending on the nature of the flight, the ATTS team may also need to coordinate with other government authorities, such as the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of External Affairs, and local airport authorities.

– These authorities provide additional clearances and support, especially for international flights, VIP movements, special missions, or flights with specific requirements.

Types of Permits and Clearances

1. Overflight Permits

  • Required for aircraft that overfly Indian airspace without landing. The ATTS team coordinates with the DGCA and MoD to ensure compliance with airspace regulations and security protocols.
  • Overflight permits are crucial for international flights that pass through Indian airspace en route to other destinations.

2. Landing Permits

  • Necessary for aircraft intending to land at Indian airports. The ATTS team secures landing slots and coordinates with the AAI for ground handling services.
  • Landing permits ensure that the aircraft can safely and efficiently land at the designated airport without any operational disruptions.

3. Technical Stop Permits

  • Required for flights that need to make a stop for refuelling or maintenance without disembarking passengers. The ATTS team coordinates with the relevant authorities to minimize turnaround time and ensure a smooth operation.

4. Charter Permits

  • For non-scheduled flights, such as private jets, cargo flights, or air ambulances. The ATTS team obtains specific approvals from the DGCA and other relevant authorities.

5. Special Flight Permits

  • For flights with unique requirements, such as VIP transport or humanitarian missions. The ATTS team secures additional clearances from the Ministry of Defense and other agencies as necessary.

Coordination Process

The ATTS team initiates the coordination process by submitting the necessary documentation and flight details to the relevant authorities well in advance. This includes providing information on the flight itinerary, aircraft details, crew credentials, and the purpose of the flight. The team ensures that all necessary permits and clearances are obtained within the required timelines, allowing for smooth and efficient flight operations.

Throughout the process, the ATTS team maintains close communication with the authorities, addressing any queries or concerns that may arise. They also monitor any changes in regulations or operational requirements and make the necessary adjustments to ensure compliance.

By leveraging their expertise and established relationships with the regulatory and governmental bodies, the ATTS team streamlines the permit acquisition process, minimizing delays and ensuring that flights can proceed as scheduled, while maintaining the highest standards of safety and security.

Flight Catering

Flight catering is an essential aspect of ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable travel experience for passengers. ATTS recognizes the importance of providing high-quality and safe catering services, and partners with reputable and certified catering companies to meet the diverse dietary needs and preferences of travelers.

HACCP Certification

ATTS collaborates exclusively with catering companies that are certified under the [Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)](https://haccp-international.com/certified-suppliers/) system. HACCP is an internationally recognized food safety management system that helps identify and mitigate potential hazards throughout the food production process, from procurement to serving.

ATTS ensures that the food and beverages served on flights meet the highest standards of food safety, hygiene, and quality control. This certification provides assurance that proper measures are in place to prevent contamination, foodborne illnesses, and other health risks.

Airport-Authorized Catering Partners

ATTS partners with catering companies that are authorized and accredited by airport authorities to operate within the airport premises. These companies have undergone rigorous inspections and audits to ensure compliance with airport security protocols, food handling regulations, and operational standards.

By working with airport-authorized catering partners, ATTS guarantees that the catering services provided are seamlessly integrated into the airport’s operations, facilitating efficient and timely delivery of meals to the aircraft.

Diverse Menu Offerings

ATTS understands the diverse dietary preferences and requirements of passengers, and therefore collaborates with catering companies that offer a wide range of menu options. Whether it’s traditional regional cuisines, international delicacies, vegetarian or vegan options, or special dietary meals (e.g., halal, kosher, gluten-free), ATTS ensures that passengers have access to a variety of tasty and nutritious choices.

Quality Assurance

ATTS maintains strict quality control measures to ensure that the food and beverages served on flights meet the highest standards of freshness, flavor, and presentation. Regular audits and inspections are conducted at catering facilities to verify adherence to food safety protocols, proper storage and handling procedures, and adherence to [stringent hygiene standards.

ATTS’s commitment to partnering with HACCP-certified and airport-authorized catering companies, coupled with a diverse menu offering and rigorous quality assurance measures, ensures that passengers can enjoy a safe, delicious, and memorable culinary experience during their flights.